about us
Welcome to Earthbound Meditations, a space for those seeking insight, connection, and renewal through reflection on the wonders of the natural world.
This is a place for those who want real solutions to the issues of today, from loneliness, anxiety, and depression to nihilism, addiction, and narcissism.
The meditations found here are designed to help you pivot away from these conditions by zooming in and zooming out into the natural world, which offers us healing and enlightenment. Like Zen koans, these meditations awaken us to intuitive truth and beauty that waits for us within and beyond ourselves.
If you share this sense that somewhere along the way, our species lost something vital, and if you long to rekindle a relationship with the Earth that is rooted in reverence and respect, Earthbound Meditations will support you. Every mountain, river, and forest tells a story of deep time, and within those stories lie the truths we have forgotten.
Our ancestors once knew that the Earth was not a resource to be exploited but a home to be honored. Through tender observations and lyrical word choice that summons us, Earthbound Meditations invite you to journey back to the beginning of our story—to remember, relearn, and rekindle our bond with the living Earth, and to live a life forever changed by this connection to our source.
May this space inspire you to walk more gently, to see more clearly, and to feel, once again, the deep belonging that is our birthright.